How to remove the Pimple problem?
Today we will talk about the pimple problem in my blog. Many of us experience this, no matter what we do, the pimple on our face does not go away, so for those who have problems with their pimples, we will talk about how to get rid of it here.
Many of you will wonder why my blog ended up with a pimple problem, and this blog is about an island in the Philippines. Here I will answer why?
As an online blogger, I also want to help you with that pimple problem because I am experiencing it. I’m embarrassed to travel with my friends because there are so many pimples on my face. I don’t want to be exposed to the heat because I’m afraid that my pimples might increase because sometimes my pimples on my face itch when I’m exposed to the heat and sweat.

I have a lot of pimples on my face and sometimes more on it. Many people tell me that the pimples may come from my relatives because if your relatives have a lot of pimples, you will also have them. This is what Filipinos believe, but I don’t believe it because my brother didn’t have a pimple at all.
Every day that I saw my face in the mirror, I was stressed because of the number of pimples that were increasing and not gone. Sometimes in my stress, I pinched my pimple just to make it disappear but it didn’t go away, it just kept getting bigger.
And they tell me to buy soap like this, and cream like this, and put on my face they said many more soaps that can get rid of pimples but they didn’t go away, my pimples got more and more

Sometimes I just cried because I’ve done so much to get rid of that pimple on my face but it won’t go away. A lot of people have been telling me that if I don’t get rid of my pimple and I tear it off, my face might end up with holes.
So I decided to see a Doctor (Dermatology) to see what is the effective medicine to get rid of my pimple. What he told me was that I should not eat greasy food or oily food first to prevent it from increasing and he also told me to always sew my hair to avoid more pimples because if it sticks to the face it may itch and it will increase pimple
The start of the healing of my pimple.
This is the most exciting part of my blog, My recovery This is where my daily routine changed. My Doctor gave me medicines to get rid of my acne. Although some of the pimple medicines that were given to me were very expensive, it was worth it because after taking it for a month, my pimple on my face was drying up. Tablets were not the only medicine given to me, there were also many creams and facial cleansers, but the most effective medicine was the Tablet. So don’t be afraid to buy it because it is very effective.

The tablet you see in the picture is the medicine given to me. It depends on the dermatology you went to what kind of tablet they will give you because they know the best medicine for you.
If you are wondering what CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE is in the picture, I will explain to you later because I have another cream to use before this.
These two are very effective drugs for pimples, so if they give you this and manage the price, buy it because it is a very effective medicine, even if you only take it for a month and use that cream the next time, but you will still use the cream while you drink it.

You will see a number in the picture here and I will explain how to put it correctly.
Morning routine.
- Soap – Wash your face with soap and massage for a minute and wash again and dry your face with a clean soft towel.
- Cleansing toner – Use cotton and put a little bit on the cotton and apply on the face properly.
- Clindamycin phostphate – After applying the toner properly, put a small amount on your face and massage it for a minute.
- Gly cream – The Gly cream should be applied a little because it is a little itchy.
- Sunblock – Apply all over the face and neck.
Evening routine.

- Soap – Wash your face with soap and massage for a minute and wash again and dry your face with a clean soft towel.
- Cleansing toner – Use cotton and put a little bit on the cotton and apply on the face properly.
- Clindamycin phostphate – After applying the toner properly, put a small amount on your face and massage it for a minute.
- Retin A/ Retin B – Today you use (Retin A) in your evening routine and (Retin B) in your next evening routine.
5) fADER CREAM – This is the last thing you will use in your evening routine. Put a little Fader cream on your face.

This is my daily routine, everything I put in it was very useful because all my pimples on my face disappeared in just 3 months, they are really gone, but I still use it until now. The good thing is that the medicines I bought took a long time to run out. So guys, if you get pimples now, it’s better to go to dermatology because you’ll regret it later, like me, I regretted it a lot because I had it checked too late.
My pimples have healed but the holes on my face due to pimples have not disappeared, so what I can tell you is if you have too many pimples, go see a dermatology near you.
Guy, if the names of the medicine given to you by that dermatology are different, take it anyway because they know better.
I hope it helped you. bye!
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